Foxglove Moments

Foxglove is the name of my property, five acres overlooking the Lewis River Valley that was covered with the wildflower when I first moved here in 1996.

That Time of Year




After eleven months of being the bane of my hillside existence, blackberries become a sweet blessing.

(I’m sure there’s a life lesson here.)















[First posted: August 13, 2013]











When the word "green" seems inadequate




















[First posted: August 11, 2013]












Distinguished Visitor

















Early Monday morning as the light was coming up, I was surprised/delighted/amazed
to find a large owl sitting in the tree outside my window. He did not fly away, even as I edged out the door, even when my camera's flash went off (hence, the red demonic eyes.) He simply stared at me.

I felt in the presence of royalty--and not the tacky British kind of royalty, but a true eminence imbued with stately grace and quiet dignity; a sublime majesty,
royalty possessing the nobility of the natural world.

Or maybe it was a demon disguised as an owl. I don't know, it was early.




[First posted: August 7, 2013]

What is a home anyway?







I live on a hill overlooking the Lewis River Valley,
in a small house crammed with books.

Family and friends joke that it's not a home--it's a library with a bed.

At least I think they're joking.


(Email from Kris Rose: "Not joking.")













[First posted: August 6, 2013]





Sun's Benediction on a Summer Night




stopping us amid our busy-bee lives,
getting our attention,
reminding us what's important.





[First posted: July 30, 2013]








Up Close & Personal




The telefoto lens permits a certain intimacy, while respecting the wildness separating us. Animals, like people, have boundaries for a reason.




[First posted: July 29, 2013]



Hummingbird Wars-2013




Aggressive little fellows!
They zip, dart and dive, engage in aerial dogfights outside my study window, or hover in mid-air, tail feathers flaring, glaring at each other in some hummingbird version of Stand Your Ground.

C'mon, guys, there's enough nectar for everyone. Can't we just love each other and get along?





[First posted: July 27, 2013]


True Royalty



I rejoice at the return of the Monarchs.

Let beauty reign!









[First posted: July 23, 2013]







Six Reasons I Don't Keep Fish in My Pond



















The local gang of raccoons and I have this understanding:

If I don't put fish in my pond, they won't eat them.

It works.




 [First posted: July 19, 2013]





Grand Opening


















Just grateful to witness it...






[First posted: July 17, 2013]