The next WordFest on Tuesday, October 7, will offer a variety of works by local writers.
The beach and water have figured prominently in Janice Haupt’s life, as has her family. All are lovingly
portrayed in her latest book of poems, Call This Beach Mine, published by Karen Bonaudi, Ink. Cover art and book design were created by Castle Rock artist Sandra Putaansuu. Janice published an earlier chapbook of her poems, Profile of a Thin Woman, as a gift to her four daughters.
Pamela Deane will be reading from her semi-autobiographical novel, The Translation of Max, the
story of a mother’s struggle to help her son through the trauma of schizophrenia. The story of her main character Maggie parallels her own during an eight-year journey to bring her son back to the world of reason.
Pamela is “a home-grown gal,” born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. She began teaching high school when she was fifty, retired at sixty-five, and today enjoys spending her time immersed in writing novels rather than lesson plans.
Over the years, Ed Putka has entertained the WordFest audiences with his humorous stories about people and adventures while growing up in his Polish neighborhood in Cleveland.
Ed will read a new short story called “Sugar Cookies,” about some unusual happenings when his extended family picnicked one August Sunday at Munroe Falls.
There will be an open mic period following the presentations.
WordFest meets on the first Tuesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 PM, at Cassava, 1333 Broadway in Longview.
Cassava offers a dinner menu for those who wish to enjoy a meal with the readings, as well as local wines and brews.