Suspended due to the covid-19 pandemic, WordFest resumed on Zoom on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, 7-8 pm. See the video below!

Jan Bono reads from Oyster Spat, the fifth in her Sylvia Avery Mystery series set on Washington’s Long Beach peninsula. Jan discusses her planning, research, and writing process that creates these fun and funny “cozy mysteries.”

Playwright and storyteller Leslie Slape introduces one of her recent Zoom plays that was performed in a “bake off playwriting competition”–and explains what is a bake off competition. Her 12-minute play, “The Feather of the Firebird,” is then performed by students from Muhlenberg College.
During Open Mic, Jim MacLeod shares some of his recently inspired limericks, and Craig Allen Heath reads a story that will be part of a new short story collection.
The next WordFest on Zoom will occur on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 7-8 pm, featuring naturalist Robert Michael Pyle and storyteller Ed Putka. Details here
WordFest on Zoom
Host: Alan Rose
Creative Design and Editing: Bethany Glenn
Zoom Technical Direction: Vikki J. Carter