Three Northwest writers will read from their works at WordFest on Tuesday, March 12, 6:00-8:00 pm, at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 1428 22nd Avenue in Longview.

Lorraine Bouchard is a retired educator who specialized in the psychology and education of gifted people, and started her own school, now in its 38th year. Lorraine is active in directing and acting in community theaters around the country, including Twilight Theater of Portland and Stageworks Northwest in Longview, Washington.
Her memoir, Getting to Here, explores “how a square peg survives in a world of round holes.” It is a story of the rocky path she’s traveled guided by her passions, from high school rebel to founder of a private school for gifted children.

WordFest regular Elaine Cockrell will be reading from her current work in progress, titled, Farmed Out. The historical novel set during the Great Depression and World War II is based on her mother’s life, particularly as a child given up for adoption and living with a series of families. A retired English teacher and former Huntington Middle School principal, Elaine wrote the historical novel, A Shrug of the Shoulders, about the internment of Japanese Americans in the Pacific Northwest during World War II.
Robert Griffin has been a writer of short stories and poetry for over 30 years. His writing strives to connect with listeners emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

An open mic will follow the presentations.
The monthly gathering of readers and writers meets the second Tuesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 PM, in the fellowship hall of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. The events are free and open to the public.