Jan Marie Fortier lives in the hills of Kelso, Washington, with her husband Jerry. She has previously published a novel, titled Roots and Wildflowers, and a chapbook of poems, Falling Leaves: Poems from My Heart.
About the book:
As she lives into middle age, Michelle invites several women to a special dinner she is hosting. Though all are friends from different periods of Michelle’s life in Seattle, none of them have met each other before this evening. What does Michelle want to discover from this meeting of strangers? What will it mean?
Alan recently spoke with Jan Marie about her new novel.
Where did the idea for this book come from?
At my age I feel as if I have lived many lives and have had good friends from each of those times, special personalities who’ve had a strong and lasting influence on me. Like the main character, Michelle, I wanted to bring these people, who did not know each other, together and share them.
The characters are vividly drawn. Are they based on actual people?
Except for one of the six characters, they are all based on actual friends in my life. One character is based on a friend I wish I’d had, and didn’t. They are not perfect; they all have faults. All have been challenged by life, as all people, even the privileged, are.
How long did it take to write the book?
Approximately two years. Much quicker than my first novel, which took many, many years, with much starting and stopping.
What is your writing process?
When writing this novel, I was meeting with a critique group every two weeks in Longview. We had to submit pages for each meeting, which kept me writing most every day. Now I am in the practice of writing every day, at least from 9 to 10 in the morning, my sacred hour.
What was the process in getting it published?
After hiring two editors and attempts at interesting agents and publishers with my first novel, I realized what a full-time job it is to get published. A writing guide suggested I work with Gorham Printing in Chehalis, and they have been wonderful in helping me publish both novels.
Are you working on a new project?
I’m in the beginning stages of a third novel, this one dealing with the main character’s European and French Canadian ancestry. Though it will be fictional, I’m hoping not to get too bogged down in the constraints of historical fiction, though it will be as accurate as it can.
Readers can order a copy of The Girls from Seattle ($25) by contacting Jan Marie at [email protected], or at 503.319.8033.
In a time of global pandemic, Woodland author Pat Nelson recently published Open Window: The Lake Julia TB Sanatorium, a Community Created by Tuberculosis, providing a look back to a time and community that was defined by a disease.
Pat Nelson is a freelance proofreader and editor as well as a former columnist for The Daily News and The Valley Bugler. She is co-creator of two humorous anthologies, Not Your Mother’s Book on Being a Parent and Not Your Mother’s Book on Working for a Living. Her short stories have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul and the Not Your Mother’s Book anthology series. She lives in Woodland with her husband, Bob.
In the early years of TB sanatoriums, mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, the young and the old, rich and poor, went away to recover at hospitals where even in winter they slept by open windows, sometimes waking to snow and ice on their thick covering of blankets.
While tuberculosis still casts its sinister shadow, infecting one-fourth of the world’s population, Open Window looks back to the Lake Julia Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Northern Minnesota where the author’s parents once lived and worked, a place where an entire community was created and bound together by the tubercle bacillus. At the heart of the community is the determined Dr. Mary Ghostley who some called a witch for studying medicine in the early 1900s. Along with Dr. Ghostley are dedicated staff, risking their own health for their patients, and the patients themselves who “worked hard at doing nothing,” hoping their treatment would allow them someday to return home rather than leaving in a box.
Alan recently spoke with Pat about her book and about publishing during a new pandemic.
This is quite a change in tone and topic
from your earlier humorous works. Where did the idea for this book come from?
I lived on the dairy farm of the Lake Julia Tuberculosis
Sanatorium in Minnesota when I was very young, from ages two to four. In spite
of my young age, the “San” had a huge influence on my life because it was so
important to my parents, who worked there.
I left Minnesota for Washington when I was five. When I returned nearly 30 years later, I was overwhelmed by the sense of community that remained. Everywhere I turned, I was “welcomed home.” When I detect a story, it’s like hearing something faint, then listening as it becomes louder and louder, and so persistent that I can’t dismiss it. When a friend asked me why I wrote Open Window, my reply was, “I didn’t have a choice.”
You call this a “collective biography,”
of Dr. Mary Ghostley, of your parents, and one of the long-term residents, Art Holmstrom.
But it’s also a kind of biography of the
Yes, the sanatorium was located two miles from the
small town of Puposky, Minnesota, and was sort of the hub of the community.
People who worked at the “San” lived on the grounds or nearby, in Puposky, so I
say the sanatorium was a community created by the tubercle bacillus.
Folks didn’t have much money for entertainment in
those days, but they worked together, socialized together, and worshipped
together at the church they built themselves. They got together for picnics,
dances at neighbors’ houses, or church socials, and they helped each other when
there was a need. The employees got to know and love the patients as they
watched them get well, or linger in bed, or die of the disease. And everyone, patients,
employees, and neighbors alike, loved Dr. Mary Ghostley, the superintendent of
the San.
Dr, Mary Ghostley
How long did it take to write the book?
It took me at least 15 years to publish the book
once I made the commitment to myself and to Dr. Ghostley’s son, Jim. He said,
“Everyone says they’re going to write a book about Dr. Mary, but no one ever
does it.” I vowed to be the one who would get it done.
What was your process?
Doing the research was so much fun, watching the
story form and tying the bits of information together. Jim suggested that I go to International
Falls to visit Art Holmstrom, who, while looking forward to graduating from
high school as valedictorian, instead had gone to the San for many years. As I
listened to Art’s fascinating story, the hook was set.
My husband, Bob, encouraged me to make trips to
Minnesota for my research. Eventually, I had recordings, notes, newspaper
articles, letters, and even copies of most of the patient records from the
When I had a rough draft, I sent it to Art Holmstrom
and Jim Ghostley. They were pleased with it. In time, Art passed away, and then
Jim. I felt sad that I hadn’t finished the book, but I was determined that, one
day, I would.
I persisted through frustration, a dead computer,
lost passwords, a new computer, new software, software upgrades, and late
nights, and I did the formatting myself! I published both the print version and
the eBook on schedule. I am still putting my marketing plan together and
building my website. I’ve learned that I can move forward even if everything
isn’t yet perfect.
In this time of COVID-19, what lessons can we take from Open Window?
Probably one of the most important lessons is that
sometimes we have to adjust our daily routines for the good of all.
For years, I told my husband, “Once I finally
publish this book, there will probably be a big epidemic, thinking TB, which still
infects one person in four in the world. I couldn’t have guessed that the
current global pandemic would be called COVID-19.
They have many similarities: there was no cure; it primarily attacks the lungs; people isolate themselves to avoid spreading the disease. It attacks all ages, both male and female, rich and poor. Like tuberculosis, COVID-19 is spread by droplets of saliva through coughing, sneezing, talking, spitting, and singing, and it spreads more easily where large groups gather.
We continue learning from tuberculosis, and we are now
learning daily from COVID-19.
Are you working on a new project?
No new project. But who knows? There might be a
story just waiting for me. When it’s there, I’ll hear it calling, softly at
first and then with a persistence that won’t let me ignore it.
Open Window is available at Amazon.com in both print ($19.50) and as an eBook ($9.50). The print version is 8″ x 10″ and 283 pages and features more than 135 historical photos. For more information, see www.OpenWindowTB.com.
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